Monday 20 February 2017

Get Wise

Today we had Aimee here from ASB who takes the Get Wise Programme. She taught us about different ways we can earn money, the difference between saving using a money bank versus putting it in the bank, gaining interest, eftpos cards, pins and heaps more! For the rest of the week we will be learning more about currency, comparing prices, budgeting, using brochures and creating shopping lists among other things! 

Thursday 9 February 2017

Global Play Day

Rāwhiti School was part of Global Play Day on Friday 3rd February. The children brought along a toy that was not electronic and they played with their friends learning to self-manage and self-regulate their behaviour. You can see from the photos the children were so happy and enjoyed using their imaginations to create different games and activities! We all had a blast and learned heaps :).

Happy New Year

Happy New Year everyone we hope you had a fantastic holiday and that you are ready for the great year ahead. We all are!

Tuesday 20 December 2016

Happy Holidays

The last week of the term was very busy for all of us in Tāwhirimātea. We had many exciting crafts happening some of which we hope end up under your Christmas tree. We also had fun getting messy in the kitchen making melting snowmen.

We had a very busy fun day with all sorts of activities going on. Miss S built some awesome targets and we finally got to use the nerf guns that we didn't get to use on camp.


It's too bad that Paul forgot our treat for after the fun day but he remembered them for Thursday afternoon after the teachers sung their own version of 12 days of Christmas.
There was also a special treat waiting for us when we got to school on Thursday that was from our teachers. 


We have had a fantastic year in Tāwhirimātea and we would like to thank all of you for your part in making our studio a success. 

We hope you all have a happy holidays and wish you all the best for 2017.

Thursday 8 December 2016

Tough Kids Christchurch

On Wednesday 30th November, 47 Tāwhirimātea children, 3 Tane Mahuta children, 7 parents and 2 teachers headed to South New Brighton Reserve for Tough Kids Christchurch.

Tough Kids Christchurch is a Obstacle race similar to Mud, Sweat and Tears but for children in Years 3-8. It is 2.5km long (shorter for Year 3 and 4s). There is a variety of challenges that test the children’s agility and endurance, including mud runs, mud crawls, water slides, tire climbs and inflated obstacles. In total 49 Rāwhiti Children, 2 Rāwhiti Teachers and 2 Rāwhiti parents faced the Tough Kids Course and all completed it. This was a fantastic event organised by Sport Canterbury and well organised with music, lolly scrambles, designated changing areas for children and even a coffee cart for parents. We had a great afternoon and are all proud that we completed the course.


We shared stories about the day in the newsletter which you can see on the school website and phone app.


Friday 25 November 2016

Visit from a Judge

Today Tāwhirimātea had a very special visitor. Judge Robert Murfitt who writes under the name Robbie James came to visit us with Bradley's dad Nigel. 

Judge Murfitt is a judge in family court here in Christchurch and he has also written a children's book called Claire and Weka.
We got to learn all about the different types of court and what it is like to be a judge. 

 Then Judge Murfitt read us his book about Claire and the Weka.

Finally we got to ask any juicy questions we had about being a judge, author or about the book. We all had a wonderful time and learnt a lot! Thank you Nigel and Robert for coming to visit. 

Tuesday 15 November 2016

Helping our friends in Kaikoura

Due to the big earthquake in Kaikoura we decided as a studio to send them a big parcel to show them we care and are thinking of them. We know how it feels and we know that they will smile when they see our yummy cookies, letters of support, fruit, non-perishables and other essential items they need to get by! 

Kia Kaha Kaikoura we are thinking of you!!