Friday 24 June 2016

Rāwhiti School Assembly

On Friday Tāwhirimatea ran our whole school assembly. Well done to Emma, Bradley, Ciaran, Sarah, Josh and Ryan for speaking so well during the assembly. Also a huge congratulations to those children who received awards or performed during assembly.

Below is our slides from the assembly which are set up to link to the videos that we shared of our learning in Tāwhirimatea.

Thursday 23 June 2016

Rāwhiti Band

Today the Rāwhiti Rock Band *Liquefaction* played and they were amazing! We had four rad rockers from Tāwhirimātea performing. Those children were: Josh and Kieran playing the guitar, Sarah singing and Zoe on the keyboard. Well done you made us all very proud! Also a massive thanks to the music teachers for putting the time and effort in to support these children :).

Wednesday 1 June 2016

Hydropower Experiment

As part of the School's Science Home Learning Challenges; Josh, Connor and Harley decided to do a hydropower experiment. You can see they had lots of fun at home learning together! They presented it to the class with enthusiasm and pride. Well done boys great team work :).

If you would like to try this experiment click here

Here's a video of Josh explaining the experiment....